Find Hope and Meaning in Turbulent Times

Can I be honest? Frankly, I couldn’t wait for the holidays to be over. Holidays can be painful if you’ve suffered a setback or the loss of a loved one. And for many, 2022 is off to a terrible start—storms, fires, viruses, violence, and not to mention all the flight cancellations. At times like these, it’s imperative to hold onto hope and look for ways to find meaning amid all the tragedy.

A good way to regain hope and meaning is to remember personal heroes and ones we find throughout history.

Heroes in Psychology

Dr. Viktor Frankl immediately comes to my mind. His famous book, Man’s Search for Meaning, chronicles his survival in a Nazi prison camp during World War II. Despite losing his entire family, he developed “Logotherapy,” the psychology of meaning, which has helped millions of people since.

Another person I think of is modern-day psychologist Dr. Shane Lopez, who has written on keeping hope alive in difficult circumstances. When times are tough, it’s important to read or listen to something that renews our hope.

Heroes in Despair

Sometimes, we just need to look at a picture or symbol to restore hope. Another one of my heroes is Juan Diego. Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared to him in the 1500s in Tepeyac, Mexico, to bring a message of hope and consolation to oppressed, indigenous Americans. She imprinted her image on his tilma (cloak), which is displayed in a basilica in Mexico City.

Today, many of us can relate to Juan Diego: He was a peasant widower with no relatives except an aging, sickly uncle. However, he was chosen by Our Lady of Guadalupe to deliver an important message of hope to the Bishop. Juan Diego would walk for miles alone in the dark to go to church.

When I feel “alone and in the dark,” I think of him. One of my cousins gave me a beautiful picture of Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe for Christmas this year. I hung it on my bedroom door as a constant reminder to be brave during these difficult times.

Local Heroes

During the holidays, I met with a local hero of mine, Robert Mitchell, who owns Kwik Dry Restoration. (You can also call him at 417–725–6978.) Robert brings hope to many people; he’s there for you when you’re facing a water, fire, or mold disaster. He also serves as the president of our BNI chapter, Referrals Faster 2.0, and he mentors young business owners.

Recently, Robert invited me to speak to his employees at Kwik Dry Restoration about how they can find more meaning in their work. I was delighted; I was able to share with them what I’ve learned from Dr. Bryan Dik, a psychologist who has written extensively on finding purpose and meaning in the workplace.

Robert wants to help his team reach their full potential. It’s uplifting to realize that business owners like Robert are working to help rebuild America during the chaos and turbulence we currently face.

I want to help you in 2022.

Right now, I’m offering two classes to help you get back on track for 2022.

On January 18, at 6 PM CST, I’m hosting a free workshop called “The Upward Spiral of Change.” In this class, you’ll learn why New Year’s resolutions fail 80% of the time and the secret to making more purposeful and lasting changes.

For 8 weeks, starting Tuesday, January 25, at 6PM CST, I’m leading an 8-week class, “8 Steps to Small Business Success.” This masterclass is inspired by the famous business coach Ann Durand and uses the growth model created by Michael Gerber. The cost for this class is $449.

To register for either course, email me today.

Although we are in some bleak and challenging circumstances, I believe this is the perfect opportunity to regain our hope, step up to the plate, and make a profound difference in the lives of others. I encourage you to be the Viktor Frankl, Juan Diego, or Robert Mitchell in your world.

Wishing you well,
Dr. Mary

P.S. If you need to get away for a time of rest and reflection, book one of my Airbnb in restful and rural Buffalo, Missouri. You can choose from the Buffalo Bunkhouse or the House on the Hill.

If you’d like to receive more personalized help for your life or business, schedule your complimentary consultation with Coach Mary today. (And get 2022 started right!)
