
Dr Mary Richardson

October is my favorite month. It has a sense of energy and opportunity. October could be your best month for business ventures and personal satisfaction. The kids are back in school and we have a wonderful time to get things done before everyone gets swept away in the holiday vortex.

October in the Midwest is harvest time. Abundance is the keyword. To get into the proper mindset to maximize autumn opportunities it is good to start with savoring.  Research in positive psychology shows that savoring happy and successful experiences promote resilience and well being.

We can actually savor past, present, and future events. Try savoring all the high points of this past year. Write them down and really dwell on them.  After that imagine what things you would like to see happen in October. Savoring has set the stage for positivity. Next imagine what October will look like if everything turns out as well as it possibly could. Write it down; as what you write down is more likely to happen. These exercises enable you to be more creative and proactive. Write down everything you must do to move your business forward. I am opening a new stable this month and I can’t wait to celebrate your victories too.

Your personal and business lives are very intertwined which is why I don’t believe that there is a clear distinction between business and life coaching.  You want to feel comfortable and inspired in your surroundings whether you are at work or at home. I have developed a concept called successful spaces. Your residence and commercial buildings need to be inviting and exhilarating for both you and your customers.  To shock yourself into action invite people to your house for a party or to your business for an open house. If you are too embarrassed to have an event it means it’s time to declutter and reorganize. Here are your basic tips.

  1. You have 3 seconds to decide what to do with every item or piece of paper in your home or office
  2. During this 3 seconds you must put the item into 1 of 3 piles
  • Toss pile (I no longer need it)
  • Keep pile (It’s essential)
  • Unsure pile (you will go through this pile later)

Now that you have decluttered you are ready to make your space more aesthetically pleasing. Take advantage of the season to create some ambiance. A pot of mums, a pumpkin, and a wreath go along way. Your guests and customers will be delighted with apple cider and a pumpkin pastry.

You have now completed 2 things to set yourself up for success. You have used savoring and imagining yourself at your best to develop a happy and creative mindset. You have also announced your positive image to the world by decluttering and designing a “Successful Space” You are ready to have the most prosperous and productive October ever.

October is the month to revitalize your spaces so you will be prepared for the holidays. I am already savoring your end of the month celebration of success.

If you really want to plan moving forward in a big way sign up for my Seven Year Success System. This is an eight week zoom class starting Tuesday, October 19th at 6pm. Make sure you are where you want to be in 7 years. Don’t let your life unfold by chance.

Learn the Seven Year Success System to make sure all the important things happen. Call 816-872-8239 or email doctormaryis@sbcglobal.net to enroll.
